For interns, networking can feel intimidating, but it’s one of the most valuable skills you can develop during your early career. The relationships you build as an intern can...
Half of your success stems from who you know. Maintaining relationships with people who can give you valuable insights and open doors to new opportunities will positively...
Perhaps you’ve been applying for many jobs lately, but to no avail. In today’s competitive job market, as many as 250 other people could be applying for the same job as you....
Networking plays a pivotal role in landing your dream job with today's competitive job market. While platforms like LinkedIn have made it easier to connect with professionals,...
Networking—some like it, some hate it, and some find it outright uncomfortable. No matter how you feel about it, networking is an important part of leveling up your career. And...
If there’s one thing that will allow you to flourish when looking for a job, it’s having strong connections with people that already know the industry. In order to build those...
Believe it or not, October is one of the best months to be looking for a job. It might sound strange, but October marks the start of the holiday season. I know, it's...
Surely you’ve heard the common saying “it’s all about who you know,“ right? While the actual meaning of this is basically saying that having an inside person can get you into...
When it comes to professional networking online, LinkedIn is becoming the clear leader and an almost required destination for career building. Like most social networking...
Whether you're trying to increase your professional network or trying to land a job offer, having good interpersonal skills is extremely important. Although we've all heard...
You don't have to be a comic book fan to know that the “Man of Steel” spends most of his time pretending to be a mild mannered newspaper reporter. Even though he's faster than...
If you've been reading any career advice articles lately, by now, you know how important it is to build a strong personal and professional network. By using social media sites...
When you're trying to build your career, social media can be one of the best tools to help you find new opportunities and increase your personal brand. Right now, there seems...
By now, we all know that spending time building a professional network is extremely important. It can be the key to finding a new job and growing in your career. For most...
Using social media to boost your career – either to help you find a job or to build your professional network – is about so much more than just simply having accounts on...
We all know how important networking is to your job search. Finding new ways to make valuable connections can open up many new possibilities, job leads and inside information...
It may sound crazy, but attending a conference put on by a professional organization can be a great way to find a job. Yes, the conferences can be expensive. One of the...
Some people have no problem making small talk with groups of people they don't know. In fact, they actually enjoy it. In case you didn't know, these people are called...
I went to a board meeting this morning with a group of diverse business professionals and educators. Since it was the first meeting of the school year, there were a few new...
Social networking is a great way to build up your professional network and build your brand identity. The problem is that sometimes getting people to care about what you have...
Lately, I've noticed more and more job fairs being advertised in my local paper. It seems that these job cattle calls are still popular with companies and job seekers alike....
The dog days of summer are here and with the heat and humidity, looking for a job can be a sweaty proposition. For many people, summer is the season for vacations and days...
Recently, I was talking to a friend about networking. He had been out of work and looking for a job for some time and not having much luck finding a new job. In an attempt to...
It’s no secret that networking is one of the most critical aspects of executive job seeking. While the standard approach to securing a job—sending in an application, cover...
We write and share various networking tips on this blog all the time, and there are so many different ways you can successfully network depending on your individual situation....
I got a call today from a staffing agency doing employment verifications on a friend of mine. Bob worked for me as a contract consultant on a large project a couple of years...
We all should know by now that networking is an important way to assist you in finding job leads, inside sources, and actual positions within a company. Because we know it to...
Recently, I moved to a small town, several hours away from my friends and family. I brought along my daughter, my boyfriend and boxes filled with hopes and aspirations. Since I...
Networking is a lot like a spider web. You spin out threads and see if anyone pulls on one. People will send you queries that they run across or an opening that they think...
When endeavoring to conduct a successful job search, it’s a good idea to be open to the many networking opportunities available. One possibility that many seekers don’t know...
There are many important aspects to a job search—and networking is one of them. Knowing the right person who works within—or has strong connections to—a company can work...
Once you've got the job, it's easy to abandon your social networking accounts. Keeping up with people on Linkedin begins to feel more like a second job and one with very little...
Studies show that networking is a crucial part of the executive job-seeking process. While positions can be obtained by submitting a resume and cover letter, it’s much more...
Score a surge of new contacts by joining a recreational sports team. Cities across the country offer an assortment of pick up leagues. All star athletes or arm chair...
Most everyone knows how important networking can be when it comes to finding a new job. If we have a wide range of contacts, people that we have already established at least a...
Need a job? Or a promotion? If you’re an administrative professional or just entering the field, you might consider joining the Virtual Association for Administrative...
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been writing on networking. Whether it’s how networking is useful or what kinds of networking prove ineffective, I want to know more about it....
In these days of high unemployment, it’s smart to stay smart in your field. And the field that seems to be growing is energy engineering. Here, it’s an equal balance of who you...
One of the toughest things when it comes to getting ahead in your career is asking for advice. It often seems that when you really want to get someone's opinion about...
Over the past few years, networking has taken on a whole new meaning. Social networking sites are rapidly becoming the ‘go to’ for people to interact with friends and...
Networking can be confusing to some, and somewhat uncomfortable to others. It almost requires walking a fine line between being friendly and being pushy or selfish. Being...
You’re a young professional woman who just earned her degree. But times are tough, everyone is sending our resumes, and jobs are scarcer than feathers in a cuckoo clock. You...
For some time now, I've talked about how important networking is to your job search. When you're out there looking for a job, doing research on companies and targeting specific...
I sent a client’s resume to a recruiter friend of mine to see if he could help in his job search. While he didn’t have any suitable positions for him, he offered some...
Many job seekers line up to attend job fairs. Armed with stacks of resumes and dressed to impress, they are often disappointed when they find that there are hundreds of other...
Networking: It is often not always what you know as much as who you know.While on the surface this saying may seem unfair, it is often the way it is, and for good reason. In...
Job fairs are a good way to cover a lot of ground in a shorter amount of time. It allows you to make a lot of contacts, learn about a lot of various job opportunities, pass out...
How to make a great impression.When you are looking for a new job, meeting with new clients or just trying to make new social contacts, making a great first impression is...
How effective are job fairs? Are they really worth the time and trouble? Can you find a job in customer service? Here are some suggestions to get the most out of your...
The Internet has been booming for well over a decade, offering amazing opportunities for everyone to find success, including job seekers looking for work. One reason job...
If you are a job seeker, you probably know that networking is a required activity. You can’t just sit around, wishing and hoping someone will fall in love with your resume and...
In my blogs, I often talk about the importance of having a strong social and professional network. Especially when you are looking for a job, knowing people who can help...
Once I left a career in public relations, I thought it might be difficult to network at any-day places. My former career made it easy to network with anyone anywhere I went...
As a person new to Twitter, I feel that each day I discover something new. I recently learned what a great networking tool Twitter is. If you're currently searching for a job,...
Networking remains the number one way to find a job. That is why social networking on the internet has become such a popular tool for job searching. Social Networking allows...
We live in a society that values online interactions above face-to-face communication. This makes it easy for job seekers to handle their job searches and networking right over...
Did you know networking can backfire when you’re In The Hot Seat. Who you know works both ways when you’re looking for a job. By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a...
How to network -when it doesn't come naturally. Networking events always make me edgy. But, I know that when you are looking for a job, or just trying to promote yourself,...
In my last blog posting, I began looking at some tips for networking in your career field, but mainly from a what-not-to-do angle. Here are more tips in this discussion, from a...
A few weeks ago I posted some tips to implement when attending a job fair, and would like to expand further by discussing some tips and things not to do when networking at...
As you may attend networking events and meet new contacts on a regular basis, you definitely want an effective way to keep in touch with these individuals after the initial...
Terry Brock, a professional speaker and marketing coach, says that too many people today have “I” trouble. That is, they are more interested in themselves, than other people....
Among the challenges associated with networking is the simple act of how you start up a conversation with a stranger. Add to that challenge the fact that you might be slightly...
There is really no underestimating the power of your professional and personal network. Just about anyone you ask will tell you about the job they got because they had a friend...
The "Crazy Cat-Lady" may be able to offer your great career advice When you are creating a strategy to build your professional network, the first people you might think...
Most of us are proud of our scholarly accomplishments and the school that we graduated from. That said, belonging to an alumni association can ultimately help your professional...
Networking with other professionals is one of the best ways to get information about goings-on in your industry and even to find out about new job openings. But, just showing...
In your professional career, networking is important. But, when you are looking for a job, it becomes crucial. When you have lost your job, either by being laid-off, quit or...
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Looking for a job is a full-time job”. While many people find themselves in the position of searching for a new job while still employed at...
Attending career fairs and other networking events is a great way to apply for a number of jobs and get information about companies that are hiring in your industry. For many...
As any professional in the job market can tell you, networking is the new buzz word and one of the keys to finding a new position. While everyone can agree on the importance of...
A friend of mine who is retired invited a group of women over for a Christmas open house and luncheon. She is in her 80’s, but is very young at heart, has had a fascinating...
When you are looking for a job, networking is one of the things that can set you apart from 80% of the other people who are also looking for a new job. With a vibrant...
Sales people are natural networkers, whether you realize it or not – every day, every time you meet someone or talk with someone or interact in any way, you are communicating...
One of the best ways to develop connections that can lead to your next job is to develop your networking skills. For many people they are not sure how to act or what to say...
You have heard it before – it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. While there is a certain amount of truth to this, most of us realize that to succeed in business,...
Remember the infamous scene in Jerry McGuire where Tom Cruise is standing in a locker room, begging Cuba Gooding Jr. to stop shooting his own career in the foot? You know the...
From tweeting about office gossip to discussing dating nightmares, social media has literally redefined the way we communicate about our personal and professional lives. As a...
According to Ford Myers, author of “Get the Job You Want Even When No One’s Hiring”, the most important arsenal in your job seeker’s tool kit is the ability to network. Now...
Job Fairs are a great way to network. Job fairs are typically offered several times per year in larger cities. The promoters will take out large ads in the local newspaper and...
Recently I spoke with a woman who has been looking for work for some time. She devotes a significant amount of time each week to networking activities. She said something...
Most people I speak with know the value of networking. All the experts, including myself, say it's the best pathway to your next great job or opportunity. But what happens if...
Sometimes the most difficult part of the job search is finding the right people to help you out along the way. As an executive, having help - also known as an executive network...
As you probably already know, creating an executive brand that flourishes online is just as important as developing your brand in the offline world. More and more recruiters...
There’s a notion about developing business professional networks; sometimes the best way to foster them is to simply talk about anything but business. There are plenty of...
Now that we’ve entered December, we’re starting the month of holiday parties. Many job seekers utilize holiday parties as ways to build or renew networking contacts....
Professional networking is as vital a tool for finding work in the modern world than it ever has been. In short, professional networking is the act of “getting yourself out...
At some point during their career, every professional is faced with the challenge finding a new job. Oftentimes this is a scary and challenging moment in one’s life and...
There are a number of ways that you can acquire the job you want. You can go the traditional route of finding an ad and applying for the job, or going through the temp agency...
Networking - Give, Get in the Back Door, and Get Hired Most people looking for a job will tell you they are networking. And most people are wrong. All you have to...
Networking is a powerful tool that can catapult even ordinary careers to extraordinary heights. From entry level employees to business owners to politicians, individuals at all...
Welcome to the world of network-o-phobics (I need to check if the term actually exists). Trust me you are not alone. Do you remember your first day behind the wheel? How scary...
Hiring slows down during December but it's the best time of year for you take advantage of your opportunities to network. With more parties and social gatherings, you will have...
One of my favorite marketing activities is networking online. Many of my clients engage in this activity as well. But, soon after starting online networking, many people find...
There are jobs, and there are dream jobs. Jobs will come to you. Dream jobs have to be uncovered. How do you do that? Most experts agree that the best way to find the best...
Most experts agree that networking remains the absolutely best way for executives to make the right connection for their next gig. Statistically, networking can account for...