When It's Time To Leave Your Job

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Regardless of how unhappy they are, people are always afraid to move jobs. Though the odds of success may be higher at another company, it is the uncertainty that clouds their judgment. I have seen candidates wait out an impending lay-off just to keep some glimmer of hope that it may not come. If you work hard enough and become very good at what you do, you should feel comfortable moving to another company. It's worth the risk, if you make an educated, carefully considered decision. Below, you will find some signs that it is time to jump ship and pursue a career at another company where you can excel. Your Job Focuses On All Of Your Weaknesses There are certain facets of business that some people are not effective at doing for the sole reason that they don't like doing those things. For me, it's numbers. Even though I had a minor in accounting, I can't stand looking at them nor do I waste my time with them. Good managers take their team and divide tasks according to each person's strengths. This is all well and good, but the problem is that there are not many good managers. If your boss is not implementing this sort of strategy and you find yourself waking up in the morning in agony, then it's time to leave. Getting A Promotion Seems Years Away Personally, I don't like working with large companies nor did I enjoy my short stint in the corporate world before I started my business. The minute a company goes public, they have little loyalty for their employees. Most firms could care less about the talent that lies within the company. Sadly, some firms refer to people as human capital. Large companies have to produce in 90-day clips. They have to increase numbers from the last quarter and many of the executives are too busy being stressed by this. The outcome is that they don't care to spend 10 minutes with you. Corporations are not in the business of making you rich. If you have this feeling and don't see much of a future within the firm, leave. Your Coworkers Are Creating An Atmosphere That Is Not Conducive To Success The people around you can have a tremendous impact on how you behave at work and how complacent you may get. If the attitude is one that gives the message of, "I don't feel like doing it," take the risk, leave the firm and find a company that has ambitious people within. Incoming Business Is Screeching To A Halt The moment the phones die, your career begins to deteriorate. Cold-call all you want, but it's still not going to do any good. The determination as to whether to stay at your company comes down to incoming business. If the phones go silent, don't think that you have this undying loyalty to the business owner. It's business. Leave and get a new job at a better company.

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  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    Wow! What a great discussion.@Benjamin - It's a shame to hear that. IT's always difficult when a company you've invested time and passion into  changes ownership or just changes their vision. It sounds like it's time for you to change jobs.@Heather - Of course, for hourly workers, being able to pay the bills is important. Still, I think that employees at any level invest more than just their time in the company.@Susan - I'm sorry to hear that. Working at a job that isn't right for you is a miserable experience. When you're out of work, it's so tempting to take the first job you can get, but finding one that is a good fit for you is really important.@Grerald - It sounds like you're really struggling at your job. Sometimes it pays to be patient and hope for better opportunities and other times, you just have no choice but to look for something new.@Melaine - I hope you find a better opportunity.@David - You're right, it's a tough market out there. It's not a matter of encouraging people to try to find new jobs. When things are going downhill at your job, it's better to begin looking before you end up unemployed.@Stella - Good luck! I hope you find the job that works for you!
  • Benjamin Keim
    Benjamin Keim
    Excellent article! I am currently with a company which went public at the beginning of the year, and unfortunately the bottom line seems to be the only determining factor for upper management. I hold a mid-level management position with the company, and though I feel my opinion is heard/considered, I also feel as though the original reason(s) I chose the company to begin with have now become obsolete.
  • Cecilia Y. Akadumah
    Cecilia Y. Akadumah
    Very good but hardly applicable in Ghana. And it is also very difficult to secure job overseas.
  • Lauren A
    Lauren A
    I completely agree. This article is very helpful. Thank you.
  • Carmelina Villanueva
    Carmelina Villanueva
    I agree with the signs you've written about leaving the company.
  • heather
    "Corporations are not in the business of making you rich."  If you're hourly, you're not trying to get rich, you're trying to pay your bills and keep your head above water.  Don't be daft.
  • susan
    After being on unemployment 13 months, I took the 1st job that came along. It was a dysfunctional environment & after 16 months decided to leave. After reading this article I now know I made the right decision for me. It may be a leap of faith, but I know I would rather work in a positive atmosphere that is conducive to productivity.
  • TC
    Great article. I believe you are talking from your own experience. Thanks for the message.
  • Grerald Del Giorno
    Grerald Del Giorno
    It's funny how this article relates to so much of what is going on at my place of employment. I have worked here twice before as a laborer, one time for 6 months, and again for a year and 4 months, Then after leaving to assist a sick family member, and working a night  job, I wound up back here again for another 6 years. This time, 6 years ago, I had asked for a raise, and my employer said that he couldn't do it, and there you have it, I have become comfortable and dedicated, but without any raise or any way out! I am married and needing more sustainance to better my life. With little we have, school isn't an option at this point, needing finances, unless an apprentiship is offered with financial gratuities and future gain. At this point, I foresee nothing merited, and a detrimental future. I am learning through experience that an employer will make an employee as good as his intentions and incentives allow you to be. Even if an employee such as I, having a great work ethic. It doesn't matter, if you are caught up in a job situation that an employer has taken for granted, and he not caring, or giving his workers an incentive, financially and verbally. How can one be happy with a situaion such as this? Is it wrong for an employee to feel the need to excel just as anyone else?    
  • Melanie Smith
    Melanie Smith
    This is sound advice even for daycare teachers. No raise in 6 years!
  • Olusoji Oduneye
    Olusoji Oduneye
    This is definitely true. Food for thoughts!
  • Jesse Lee Rhodes
    Jesse Lee Rhodes
    This is great relationship advice as well!
  • Terry Vrieze
    Terry Vrieze
    I did leave my last job of 18 years only to have my next job lay me off for cost savings 7 months later... Now I am struggling to get another job.  But I do agree with the postings here.
  • David Stagg
    David Stagg
    I was just on the job market twice in the last year.  I know what is available out there.  Can't believe y'all are motivating anyone to jump into this current market, even if they stay with their other job while looking. There are not a lot of good jobs currently in this market.  I just obtained a job I am excited about and I am sure there were multiple other persons interviewing.  I found that for all my interviews, it was very competitive, and not a job seekers market.
  • Stella Kachoka
    Stella Kachoka
    I am experiencing what you have highlighted.This is the right time to decide what I need to do next.
  • Jady
    Glad I've finally found something I agree with!
  • Kristanna
    Great post!
  • Mira
    You've got the right answer!
  • Kaed
    Your answer was just what I needed. It’s made my day!
  • Linda
    That’s more than sensible! That’s a great post!
  • Rick Duffy
    Rick Duffy
    This is great content.
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