How to End a Cover Letter

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The way you end a cover letter can make a big difference to your chance of getting a job interview. The end of the letter is the moment at which you need to persuade the hiring manager to pick up the phone and call you to arrange an interview. Here is how to grab this important opportunity.

he best way to end a cover letter is with a call to action. This can simply be a request for the hiring manager to call you and arrange an interview, in which case you should include your phone number in the call to action to make the process as easy as possible for whoever reads your letter. If you prefer to take an even more proactive approach, you can let the hiring manager know that you will call soon to set up an interview. Let the people in charge of hiring know when you will phone so that they can be ready for your call. Typically, you should call within a week so your cover letter is still fresh in the hiring manager's mind. Whichever approach you choose, provide your phone number in your call to action so the hiring manager can call you to arrange an interview immediately if your letter was sufficiently impressive.

call to action alone is not enough to persuade a hiring manager that you deserve an interview. Just before your call to action, you should sum up the content of your cover letter by summarizing the key reasons why you would be a good fit for the role. If the opening was recommended to you by someone who works at the company, this would also be a good time to mention that your contact thinks you would be a good fit for the organization.

There are a few things that you should definitely avoid mentioning at the end of your cover letter. If you use this space as an opportunity to state your salary requirements or any other benefits that you expect from the company, then you are likely to come across as arrogant. Save questions about salary and benefits for the job interview, when you will have plenty of time to discuss your needs in more detail. Similarly, avoid talking about how you want to progress within the company in your cover letter. While it is great to have ambition, your cover letter should focus tightly on the job for which you are applying.

Ending a cover letter with a call to action is the most important thing you can do to maximize your chance of getting an interview. This simple trick shows employers that you are keen, motivated and proactive in your job search.


Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at



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