Three Ways NOT to End Your Cover Letter

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A cover letter gives you the opportunity to describe your work experience and qualifications, and explain the reasons you are applying for a position. It must be tailored to each job for which you are applying. Enhance your resume by adding relevant key words that match the primary tasks the position requires, and highlight any industry experience you have. Complete your cover letter by avoiding the following common mistakes when writing your closing statements.

One of the most important things job seekers need to remember when writing a cover letter is to avoid generalized statements in the last paragraph. Instead of simply listing your skills and qualifications, provide specific examples that explain why you are a top candidate for a position. List information such as certifications you have received and projects you worked on that helped you develop certain skills. Ultimately, when you make a claim regarding your skills in the close of your cover letter, always back it up with specific examples.

A cover letter needs to mention your career goals and aspirations, but in the conclusion, do not write about how you look forward to being promoted or moving up in the company ranks. A company advertises for someone to fill a specific role, so it is looking for a person who wants to work in that position. Mentioning your desire to be promoted does convey ambition, but it is not appropriate material for a cover letter. It is far more effective to emphasize how you are a good fit for the company and the position. Add a statement explaining how you would fit into the company culture to show that you have researched the company. If you get hired, you will have plenty of time to show your ambition and work toward a promotion.

Another thing to avoid in the closing of your cover letter is listing salary requirements. The only time it is appropriate to do so is if a job posting specifically calls for this information. If your salary requirements do need to be listed, never include this information in the end of your cover letter. The last thing an employer needs to read is your qualifications, not the amount of money you expect to earn. Instead, list salary requirements when you are speaking about your job experience in the body of your cover letter.

Job seekers with cover letters that are well organized, easy to read and free of errors attract the most attention from employers. After you have crafted an effective cover letter, improve your chances of getting an interview by avoiding these common cover letter mistakes. End your cover letter with strong statements that provide specific examples of your experience. Also, whenever possible, avoid mentioning promotion eligibility and salary requirements.

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