These Five Phrases Could be Keeping You From the Job

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Candidates spend a significant amount of time customizing a cover letter and resume during the job search to spark the interest of hiring managers. However, the phrases you choose to use in your letter could be sabotaging your efforts. Reduce the risk of missing out on opportunities by revising your application materials to eliminate these phrases.

1. "This job would help me because ..."

Candidates who focus solely on their own needs quickly turn away the interest of hiring managers. Potential employers care less about how you benefit from employment and more about how you can impact the company. Focus your cover letter on how your abilities, skills and experience can produce desirable results for the business.

2. "Good."

Hiring managers read through hundreds of application materials each week, and you can count on them weeding out your cover letter if you are using vague words that offer no explanation as to how your skills benefit the company, explains The Muse. Detail your experience with specific words and phrases, including "skilled," "talented," "accomplished" and "efficient," and toss out words such as "good" or "bad" when customizing your letter.

3. "My resume states ..."

You should have a solid, thorough resume prepared during your job search that accompanies your letter, so there is no need to reiterate the information on the document for the hiring manager. Potential employers have a copy of your resume, so instead of repeating information, focus your letter on skills, experience, accomplishments and goals met that cannot be found on the resume.

4. "I think I'd be a great fit."

It is no secret that you are submitting a cover letter to advertise your skills and abilities, but opinion phrases such as "I think," "I feel" or "I believe" are not recommended. Don't isolate how you feel. Instead, use convincing and confident phrases, such as "My computer skills have prepared me for a position as an IT professional with your company."

5. "I'm the best candidate because ..."

The goal of writing a cover letter is to confidently display your skills and persuade the hiring manager to request an interview. Candidates who exude too much confidence appear to be arrogant, though. Avoid labeling yourself as the "best," and instead, focus on how your skills match the qualifications from the job description. Use keywords that stand out and pinpoint that you are an ideal fit without bashing every other candidate by stating that you are the best.

Candidates should spend ample time proofreading and revising application materials to ensure their credibility remains intact. Employers seek individuals who are eager, efficient and willing to pay close attention to detail, especially when crafting a cover letter. Show off your skills and abilities professionally to pique the interest of employers.

Photo Courtesy of Ambro at



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  • Leona Lentz
    Leona Lentz

    This article shares positive ways to make a good impression and secure the job. Especially when all candidates are equally qualified.

  • Leona Lentz
    Leona Lentz

    This article shows ways to remain positive and confident during an u

  • Arlean S.
    Arlean S.

    Good info!

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