Advice for a 50+ Job Seeker's Cover Letter

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Searching for a new job when you are over 50 can produce anxiety, but you can create a cover letter that makes you stand out as a highly desirable job candidate. The first thing that employers notice about your application is your cover letter, so it is important for it to be effective. Use the following tips to write an excellent cover letter that harnesses the attention to get you hired.

Customize Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is a tool to get you noticed by employers, but it should be customized for the job you are seeking. Draft a compelling message for each position, and let employers know why you want to work for them and how your skills and experience are useful for the position. If someone referred you to the company, mention that person's name.

If your cover letter contains relevant information in a summarized format, a hiring manager is more likely to read it. Format your cover letter to reflect your professionalism. Make sure your cover letter is no more than a single page. Use a simple font in a medium size to make it easy for employers to read. Include a brief introduction, a small, organized body and a concise closing.

Address Your Cover Letter Properly

Addressing your cover letter to a specific person is more likely to get your resume in the right hands. Locate the contact information of someone in the human resources department, and send your information. Use the proper salutations to appear more professional.

Sell Yourself

With the changes to the job market, mature job seekers must display their skills, experience and accomplishments more than ever to get noticed in a pool of applicants. Younger candidates often lack the experience needed for demanding jobs, but job candidates over the age of 50 have the advantage. Summarize the accomplishments that show you are an ideal fit for the job. Remember that your cover letter offers you the chance to share unique information that is not in your resume, so use the space wisely.

Include Appropriate Info

Do not be tempted to share too much information about your past. If there is a significant gap in your employment history, offer a brief explanation for the time spent, and frame it in a positive light. Do not share any information that can be perceived as negative, and do not offer information that can make you seem incompatible for the position.

Do Not Focus on Your Age

Avoid adding personal information that shifts too much focus to your age, and remove experience on your cover letter that is older than 10 years. It is against the law to discriminate against job applicants simply because of their age; if you do not make it a major factor, others will not either. Most employers simply want employees who are capable of performing well, no matter their age.

A cover letter for job candidates over 50 does not have to be complex to make a good impression. Errors on your cover letter suggest incompetence, so remember to have a trusted individual review your cover letter for mistakes. In a competitive job market, using a well-written cover letter attracts positive results for mature job seekers.


(Photo courtesy of stockimages /


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