5 Steps To A Career Change

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Making a career change can be really tough. In today's tough job market, just finding a job is an accomplishment. The competition for jobs is intense but with a good amount of planning, you can get a head start and make your change easier.

Here are 5 steps to making a career change plan:

  1. Know what you're looking for - Before you make your plans, you have to first have a clear idea of what you are looking for. Make a list of the things you want and need in your next job. This will give you a starting point and help you get some clarity in order to make a switch that will be right for you.
  2. Identify your skills - Identify your skills and weaknesses. Make a list of all of the things that you have to offer. Be sure to think about skills you have that you might not be using in your current job. This will help you market yourself to a new employer.
  3. Look at your hidden skills - One you have a list of your skills, think hard about other skills that you use in other areas of your life. Perhaps you have a hobby that you are passionate about or things you've done while volunteering. These hidden skills will help you think about what you have to offer in different ways.
  4. Explore your interests - Look for ways to combine your hobbies with your career. For example, I have a friend who loves wine. For years, he has been researching and collecting wines. Eventually, he found a job running a wine shop. Although he doesn't make as much money as he did at his previous job, he has found a way to make a living and do what he loves, which is priceless.
  5. Get experience - For many career changes, you'll need to get more experience. This might mean taking some classes or enrolling in a technical school. It's important to create a plan to get the experience you need.

Have you recently made a career change or have been considering it? What do you think is important when it comes to making the decision? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.


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