5 Dirty, But High Paying Jobs

Julie Shenkman
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Do you like to work with your hands? Don't mind getting dirty? Here are 5 of the best paying dirty jobs. When you are thinking about switching careers, it's important to consider your personality traits in order to find the right fit. Believe it or not, there are careers available to suit almost anyone. If you are someone who likes to work with their hands and doesn't mind getting dirty, there are many high paying careers that might be right for you. Although I'm sure there are some jobs that are too messy for many people, for those who enjoy getting dirty and making a great salary, there are some excellent career choices available. Here are 5 of high paying, dirty jobs: 1. Garbage collector – The men and women who collect the garbage every day are dedicated people who have to deal with a whole lot of dirt. Collecting trash is a dangerous job, as the workers have to deal with angry drivers while they go down the streets collecting garbage cans. Although it is messy and often dangerous, garbage collectors can earn an average of $43,000 a year, not counting overtime premiums. 2. Oil Rig Operator – These dedicated individuals work on oil rigs in the ocean. The job is dirty and its dangerous. The job involves spending several weeks at a time working 12 hour shifts and living in cramped quarters. Steel toed work boots and earplugs are mandatory work attire and the workers typically use hand signals to communicate with others on the job. These oil rig employees earn a nice salary, with average yearly earnings of $40,000 or more. 3. Crab Fisherman – You've probably seen the television shows about these hard workers. The men and women who work on crab boats have a dangerous and dirty job. They spend months out on boats working with heavy machinery in order to catch crabs. They risk being swept overboard during bad storms, being injured by machinery and getting too cold and getting hypothermia. Although it's dangerous, it also pays extremely well. Crab fishermen earn an average of $60,000 a year. 4. Sewer Inspector – Once we flush the toilet, we don't like to think about what happens next. Sewer inspectors climb down into the sewers and inspect the pipes to make sure that everything is working as it should. During the course of their day, they may have to walk through miles of sewer piping in order to check for clogs and cracks. They deal with odors, bugs, rats and even the bodies of dead animals. However, they keep our streets and waterways clean and with just a high school diploma, these people can earn an average of $60,000 a year. 5. Crime Scene Cleaner – When the police are finished gathering evidence from the scene of a crime, the cleaners come in and clean up what's left behind. From bloody murder scenes to illegal chemical labs, these cleaners are your ordinary maid service. Some jobs only take hours, while others can take a few days. People who work in this field can earn an average of $75,000 a year. With a degree, this number can grow even higher. These are all dirty jobs, but someone has to do them. The person who does is also the one who rakes in the big money, because no one else wants to do them. So, if you don't mind getting dirty and want to make a large salary, maybe one of these jobs might be for you. What are some other dirty jobs? Have you considered taking a job in one of these fields? Let me know in the comments. By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for ManufacturingWorkersBlog. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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  • Tony T
    Tony T
    I am an extremely healthy 64 year old struggling to find work in this economy. my age is the biggest drawback.I would love to find a dirty job that pays well so that I can feed my family and pay my bills. Very strong and have a really powerful work ethic.Spent most of my life in engineering but now want something that gets me outside and working with my hands.
  • Loretta LaGrone
    Loretta LaGrone
    The Crime Scene Cleaner sounds like an interesting job. I worked in Pathology for about a year. I was responsible for typing all of the autopsy reports, plus I had to record where everyone who had died in the hospital, what time they died, what cause their death and if there would be an autopsy done. It was definitely different from any job that I'd every had.
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